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  Animal amino-acid crude fluid (Animal amino-acid)  
  1. Amino Acid Crude Fluid (hereinafter referred to as AACF) is a 100% solution of the amino acids constituting the protein keratin. (As the fluid does not contain any chemical fertilizers nor hormones, it can be selectively used with a chemical fertilizer.) 
  2.  AACF improves the soil quality and facilitates the rooting by providing nutrients to the effective microorganisms of the soil. 
  3. AACF has excellent effects on relieving the plant stress such as chilly injury, low solar radiation, and chemical injury. 
  4. AACF improves the crop quality by increasing its sugar content and inducing vivid coloration. 
  5. AACF contains fumic acid which facilitates the rooting and chelate activities, thereby preventing nutrient loss. 
  6. The product may be used with NPK composite fertilizer or microbial agents for enhanced effects.

  • When you want the crop to have increased sugar content 
  • When the crop has been under the stress of low temperature, chilly injury, or chemical injury due to agricultural pesticides 
  • For the crop to have stable rooting after the colonization For the crop to regain its vigor and maintain it
Assured component
non-copper fluid (containing 6% nitrogen)
 How to Use
  • Foliage dressing: 500-1,000 times dilution (500-1,000ml/500L) 
  • Soil watering: 1-2kg per 200 pyong area
  • Please comply with the indicated concentration and method of use. 
  • The product can be used with the common sterilizers or pesticides however, using it with alkaline, copper based or mycin-based agents is strictly forbidden. 
  • The active ingredient may precipitate; in such case, use the product after having shaken the container thoroughly, as it does not affect the efficacy. 
  • Please keep the product in a cool area out of the reach of children.

 About Amino Acids and Agriculture ...

Plants are unable to absorb the protein as it is. They can only absorb the amino acids released from the protein after decomposition. Thus, for agricultural agents, the key is whether they contain 100% amino acids. Sometimes the plants absorb the amino acids released from the protein through the action of soil microbes; however, the process of decomposition in this way takes a considerable amount of time. Categorizing such processes according to the manufacturing technique, except in the case of acid-base hydrolysis, 100% decomposition is an almost unreachable goal when it is mediated through fermentation or microbial activities, which also cause too much froth or the characteristic malodor. When plants are cultivated using 100% animal amino acids such as glutamine, asparagine, arginine, citrulline, and ornithine as the only nitrogen source, they often show healthier growth than when the nitrogen source included the ammonia or nitric acid from chemical fertilizers. In particular, in an environment with cold climate or conditions unfavorable for photosynthesis, the insufficient production of glucose or ATP result in shortage of energy necessary for the absorption and assimilation of inorganic compounds by the roots. Here, the amino acids can be absorbed by the roots and go through the immediate amino group transfer to become the central players of nitrogen metabolism like arginine or glutamic acid, thereby helping the plant grow with better stability than the inorganic nitrogen. In addition, even when the conditions are normal, the addition of around 10ppm of amino acids has been shown to promote healthy growth.

 Table 1.  Comparison between different proteins in their amino acid composition
amino acid type
hair8. 16.5
goose feather6. 16.5
gelatine5. 18
soybean 7.0

For example, cysteine and methionine, the sulphur-based amino acids, are known to be effective for helping the plant overcome the physiological obstacles posed by chilly injury or low solar radiation; leucine is effective for facilitating fruit coloration; arginine for suppressing pathogenic growth; and glycine and alanine for increasing the sugar content. Moreover, amino acids provide the nutrients for soil microbes to not only prevent soil acidification but also reduce soil salination effectively. Such actions lead to soil erosion, which improves moisture retention for fixing various nutrients as well as soil fertility. The effects also include the prevention of nitrate-N accumulation, a factor causing the Alzheimer’s in human, thereby ensuring the production of safe agricultural products.

L-cystine and L-cysteine that contain sulphur, as well as their precursors, exhibit remarkable bioactivity. Among them, a novel active amino acid called AP-101 has been shown to facilitate the production of ATP even when the plant is in a hostile environment, providing the energy necessary for plant metabolism and inducing fruit enlargement and maturing. Thus, it has led to the production of high-quality agricultural products and improved yield without the help from plant growth regulators. In particular, in an environment unfavorable for photosynthesis due to cold temperature or low solar radiation so that the production of glucose or ATP is difficult, AP-101 can be an effective tonic for the plants.

The sulphur-based amino acids also play a key role in strengthening the plant immunity, and the substances that are produced and secured for fighting against the invading pathogens are called phytoalexin. In particular, there are sakuranetin and momilactone A that are produced from the sulphur-based amino acids for the rice blast disease, and studying their synthesis and composition is expected to lead to a method for improving the immunity in rice and reduce the use of agricultural pesticides significantly.

Furthermore, as most substances belonging to phytoalexin are antioxidants such as beta carotene, lycopene, capsaicin, lutein, caffeine, isoflavone, and anthocyanin, applying specific amino acids to the plants is expected not only to improve the plant immunity and reduce the use of agricultural pesticides, but also to allow the cultivation of unique agricultural products; for example, tomato with high lycopene content, chilli with high capsaicin content, and spinach and kale with high lutein content, which are all useful to human health.

Moreover, phytoalexin may be the key element of the next generation anti-aging business in response to the aging society and disease cure, as they lead to the development of functional antioxidant food products or novel immunomodulators.

VISION for Amino Acid Research 

When a pathogen invades the plant, the defensive substances are produced and secured for fighting against the pathogens. Such substances include beta carotene, lycopene, capsaicin, lutein, caffeine, isoflavone, and anthocyanin, which are also the antioxidants useful to human health. In particular, a phytoalexin found in grapes called resveratrol has already been developed into an anticancer agent. Aminopia

Food Product
Food Product


Plant immunity improvement, Environment-friendly and low-pesticide cultivation

Food Product 

Cultivation of plants containing highconcentration antioxidants → Development of antioxidant food products


Development of novel anticancer drugs based on immunomodulators